
Start a new Holiday Tradition with HCS Cookies and Carols

Saturday Dec. 2nd 2023

November 27, 2023

What do you get when you combine two holiday favorites: cookies and carols? An amazing musical experience for all ages!

Hickory Choral Society's Cookies and Carols concert is a Saturday morning performance of less than an hour featuring familiar carols, sing-a-longs, and Christmas cheer. This special morning, geared specifically toward families with younger children, has been so unanimously well received by audiences that it has now been added as a concert on HCS's regular Holiday schedule. 

A totally interactive experience, the concert is aimed specifically for elementary-aged children throughout the Unifour area. Special guests join the Hickory Choral Society and orchestra members for a wonderful holiday event. The Twelve Days of Christmas sing-along is always a highlight, with children singing up front with Choral Society members. Smiling children, parents and grandparents leave the concert humming Christmas tunes, with their cookies and commemorative ornaments in hand. Many audience members have remarked that they were able to create new Christmas memories with their children and grandchildren, and couldn't wait until the next children's concert.

The fun and interactive musical experience for children and their families will be held at Drendel Auditorium on the SALT Block, on Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 11am. Through this free concert, HCS plans to engage young families throughout the community in a lively celebration and love of music. Start or continue a holiday memory for a young person in your life at Hickory Choral Society's Cookies and Carols!

We cannot think of a more perfect way to add to the start of the Christmas season. Bring a smile to your child's or grandchild's face. Mark your calendars. We'll see you there!