
Popsicle Stick Uncle Sam

Give an All-American salute to summertime with our simple and inexpensive popsicle stick tutorial!

By Travis Bradshaw - MacaroniKID Lincolnton-Gastonia May 18, 2022

Uncle Sam played a big part in recruiting soldiers to the US Army during WW1 and WW2 so this craft couldn’t be more suitable for Memorial Day. It also gives you a great opportunity to teach your kids a little bit about the figure in a short history lesson! 

I can’t think of anything that’s more fun than a simple popsicle stick kid craft to celebrate the holidays. Am I right?!

And with Memorial Day coming up next weekend and it marking the start of the lazy days of summer – I think now is the PERFECT excuse to share this patriotic Popsicle Stick Uncle Sam kid craft with you all today!

Whether you make this Uncle Sam craft in honor of Memorial Day. I sure hope you and your child have fun making it!

So without ado – give an All-American salute to summertime with our simple and inexpensive popsicle stick kid craft! Just follow the simple step-by-step tutorial below, to create your one-of-a-kind piece with your child today!

Uncle Sam Craft Supplies:

* Jumbo Popsicle Sticks – 7 per Uncle Sam craft
* School Glue
* Small Paper Plate
* Red Craft Paint
* White Craft Paint
* Blue Craft Paint
* Foam Paint Brushes
* Basic Craft Scissors
* White Cardstock Paper
* Pink Cardstock Paper
* 2 Large Wiggle Eyes – 2 per Uncle Sam craft
* Pen or Marker


* First assemble the base of your Uncle Sam by gluing your popsicle sticks together {6 next to each other, with one across in the center.}
* Set aside to let it dry completely.
* Now grab your paint colors and small paper plate.
* Squirt all three colors on the paper plate.
* Next have your child paint the top half to look like Uncle Sam’s hat {see picture for example}
* Again, set aside to let it dry completely.
* Now grab your white cardstock and trace your child’s hand on it.
* Trim out the traced design.
* Be sure to trim out a button nose from the pink cardstock, as well.
* To finish off the Popsicle Stick Uncle Sam craft, glue the handprint cutout on the popsicle stick frame to look like a beard and glue the eyes/nose in place as well.
* Then display proudly for all to see!