
6 Mother’s Day Craft Ideas for Kids

Easy, Simple, & Fun

By Travis Bradshaw - Publisher for MacaroniKID Lincolnton-Gastonia May 4, 2022


If you’re a mother, look away! This list of craft ideas is meant for dads and kids.

Perhaps you want to surprise Mom with a one-of-a-kind handmade gift on Mother’s Day, but you need some ideas to get started. Have no fear – we’ve rounded up a list of Mother’s Day crafts for kids you can choose from. Some of the ideas are easier, some will take more time, but you’re bound to find a project that Mom will love. Whether you’re a painter, a crafter, or none of the above, Mom will certainly love any one of these wonderful DIY gifts.

1. DIY Crayon Candle

The Pinning Mama has finally found a great use for the stubs of old crayons. Help your little ones follow these careful instructions to create a colorful candle for Mom. The best part is watching them choose which colors she’ll love most.

2. Mason Jar Picture Frame Vases

Dress up some old mason jars with this tutorial from Home Stories A to Z. Mom is always looking for the best ways to display photos of her kids, and these are colorful options that she’ll love.

3. Heart Thumbprint Platter

Add a personalized item to Mom’s china cabinet with this platter from Simply Kierste. You’ll need some red paint, but your thumbprint is the paintbrush for this classy Mother’s Day gift.

4. Painted Rock Garden Markers

For the moms with the green thumb, Crafts by Amanda suggests painting these rocks for her garden. Bust out your paints and put your own spin on these garden markers. Mom will love the color it brings to her plants.

5. Key Wind Chime

Gather up unused keys, paint them in Mom’s favorite colors, and create a wind chime like the one on Inner Child Fun. It might be a tad unorthodox, but the finished product is fun to look at, and Mom will appreciate your homemade gift.

6. DIY Kids’ Dreamcatcher

Jane Can Tap into Mom’s whimsical side with this colorful dreamcatcher. These instructions come courtesy of Jane Can, and they’re simple enough for kids of all ages to follow. Feel free to get creative with the beads, feathers, and charms that you add to it.


We hope that our list gave you some good ideas for Mother’s Day crafts that you can make. 

We tried to give you a mix of artwork and useful crafts, so if you can’t make up your mind, make two!

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